I had meant to take it easy in puzzle making this month, but when you get hit over the head by a good idea, you follow it.

Check out the playlist here:

If the video doesn’t send you through to the whole playlist click here for the right link

Check your answer here

Hint 1

This is a puzzle hunt style puzzle, so using the internet is expected. However, you won’t need to hack anything, login, leave comments or anything like that.

Hint 2

What do the title and description say?

Hint 3

Tom Scott is kind of known for his video’s containing the sentence “I’m here at ….”

Hint 4

A map might be useful

Hint 5

I’d consider a youtube playlist a numbered list

Hint 6

Does it look like something? If not, you might want to re-read the previous hints

I don’t want to do the whole puzzle, just show me the solution


An extra page about the process coming soon